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Ergochair Adapt 512 XC Chair
Key Measurements
- Seat Depth: 470-530mm
- Seat Width: 420mm
- Back Height: 420-500mm
- Backrest Width: 420mm
Key Features:
- Made to measure seat depth and width
- Adjustable seat height
- Adjustable seat depth
- Adjustable backrest height
- Independently adjustable backrest angle
- Inflatable lumbar support
- Free float (rocking) mechanism
- Optional adjustable armrests
- Available in a full range of fabrics
Backrest & Seatpan Modifications
Seat Pan Width and Depth Modification
What is it? For the seat to be comfortable, armrests to fit properly, and for the leg to be adequately supported, it is important to ensure that the seat width and depth are the correct size for the user. The simplest modification of the seat pan is to reduce either (or both) the width and the depth of the seat pan.
How do you do it?
- Select your chair template from the Adapt 600 range
- Using your measurements, select your seat pan width – we recommend that the width is 40mm larger than the hip width
- Using your measurements, select your seat pan depth – we recommend that the depth of the backrest height is 30mm less than the buttock popliteal length.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Coccyx Cut Out
What is it? This is the complete cut-out of the cushion that is positioned at the coccyx area.
Who is it for? A coccyx cutout is most popular for individuals with moderate to severe coccyx pain and individuals with coccyx pain who are over 14 stone.
Key Measurements. 140 mm Length x 100 mm Width (Bespoke cut-outs are available).
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Coccyx Zone
What is it? The coccyx zone is an area of the seat where the normal foam has been removed and replaced with a thinner profile memory foam. The result is a subtle coccyx relief zone.
Who is it for? Individuals with mild to moderate coccyx pain.
Key Measurements. 140 mm Length x 100 mm Width.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Wave Seat
What is it? A wave seat is a seat pan where the actual length of the seat pan is asymmetric so that it can support different leg lengths.
Who is it for? Individuals with unequal thigh length.
Key Measurements. Minimum seat depth: 340.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Thigh Support(Left, right, or pair)
What is it? Thigh supports are inflatable cassettes that are literally positioned under the thighs. The cells can be added to help counteract a structural change in the pelvis. The inflatable cells can also be used bilaterally to reduce pressure on the coccyx.
Who uses them: Thigh supports can be useful for muscle-wastage related conditions, coccyx pain, and structural changes to the pelvic area.
Key Measurements: Approx. cell size is 200 mm wide x 100 mm depth.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
ErgocoreSeat Cell
What is it? This dual-chamber air-cell option sits inside the seat and provides a ‘reactive sit’ to gently activate your core and lower back muscles whilst cushioning your sit bones.
Who uses them: Ergocore seat cells are particularly useful for sciatic relief and general core strengthening.
What is the size? Approx. cell size: 380 mm Wide x 230 mm Depth.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600
Extra Memory Foam Layer
What is it? Like the backrest, it is possible to add extra memory foam layers to the seat pan. As the memory foam heats up, it will slowly adapt to the user’s body shape and redistribute weight through a much wider area.
Who is it used for: Most commonly for individuals who have pressure sensitive tissues in the buttock area.
Key Measurements? Each layer is approx. 20 mm thick (non-compressed).
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Air Cells for Backrest Profiling
Not everyone has the same shaped spine, so Ergochair developed the ability to change the 3 dimensional profile of the backrest using air cells either on their own or in combination with foam sculpting. Because these are advanced level modifications we recommend that you speak to us about what modification you need.
Sacral Cells
What are they? A sacral air cell is an additional inflatable cell that can be added to the lowest part of the backrest.
Who does it work for? When used in combination with a lumbar support, it can be very helpful for individuals who have a low lumbar arch.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Reactive Lumbar Cells
What are they? This lumbar support has a triple chamber inflatable cassette. Not only does this offer a much wider lumbar support than the standard single support, but because the chambers are interconnected, as more pressure is placed in one cell the other cells get squeezed. The end result is that the cells can better support the spine as it is moved into different positions during the day.
Who uses it? The reactive lumbar cell is most popular for individuals with a long graduated lumbar arch.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Thoracic Cells
What is it? The Thoracic Cell is an additional support that can be positioned in the thoracic region, between the shoulder blades, as a way of providing additional thoracic extension support.
Who can use it? This type of support is most popular for individuals who tend to slump in the thoracic region, it is also popular for those with protracted shoulder blades.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Vertical Cells
What are they? Vertical support cells can be positioned at any point on the backrest to fill an area between the chair and an individual’s spine. They can also be used to provide a more general lateral support.
Who is it used for? This type of support is most commonly used as part of a solution to accommodate scoliosis of the spine that has led to differences in the lateral position and depth of the spine on one side of the body.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Memory Foam Layer
What is it? There are several ways we can use memory foam to change the backrest dynamics. Adding a single layer of foam provides a more supportive sitting surface that over time will gradually conform to the shape of the user’s spine. As another option, it is possible to combine a layer of memory foam with foam sculpting, which means we can provide a very precise profile that better conforms to the shape of the spine.
Who is it for? Standard memory foam is most commonly used for people who have low back pain.A combination of memory foam and foam profiling is most commonly used for individuals who have some degree of kyphosis or scoliosis.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Stitched Seat
As part of the manufacturing process, the fabric is stretched across the seat pan and attached under the seat. The result is a highly tensioned fabric and slightly convex seat. Whilst this profile suits a lot of people, some individuals prefer a flatter profile chair and a more adaptable fabric, which is achieved through stitching on each side of the seat to have the fabric pulled over the top.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Armrest & Neckrest Options
Armrest Options
For many people, armrests are very important for offloading the upper limbs and sometimes people have issues when they cannot get adequate upper limb support, because the armrest is not correctly positioned under the arm. This is normally because the armrest is too wide. Another common problem is that the armrest is not height adjustable and or retractable, and as a result, it is difficult for the user to get sufficiently close to the desk. We at Ergochair have developed a range of armrests that can be used for nearly every upper limb need. If you are not sure which armrests will best suit your needs, please contact us.
HAA Armrest
- Height adjustable – button adjustable
- Width adjustable - handle adjustable
- The arm pads will not move when you put weight on the
- Height adjustability will enable you to optimise upper limb support for the appropriate desk height
- Lack of rotation means that the armrest support will not directly follow the direction of the forearm during typing
- You cannot retract the armrest to get closer to the desk
Key Measurements:
- Height range from seat pad 150-240mm
- Pad width: 90mm
- Pad length 240mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
1234 Arm Rest
- Height Adjustable – button adjustable
- Width Adjustable - handle adjustable
- Depth Adjustable – slide adjustable
- Height adjustability will enable you to optimise upper limb support for the appropriate desk height
- The arm pads can be retracted so you can get closer to the desk
- Lack of rotation means that the armrest support will not directly follow the direction of the forearm during typing
- Because the arms pads can slide back, they may move when you put weight on them
Key Measurements:
- Height range from seat pad 150-240mm
- Pad width: 90mm
- Pad length 250mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
3D Trigger Arm Rest
- Height Adjustable – button adjustable
- Width Adjustable - handle adjustable
- Depth Adjustable – slide adjustable
- Arm pad width adjustable – button controlled
- The arm pads will not move when you put weight on them
- Height adjustability will enable you to optimise upper limb support for the appropriate desk height
- The arm pads can be retracted so you can get closer to the desk
- The additional level of width adjustability is particularly helpful when the inside elbow width is significantly narrower than the hip width
- Lack of rotation means that the armrest support will not directly follow the direction of the forearm during typing
- Height range from seat pad 150-240mm
- Pad width: 90mm
- Pad length 240mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
4D Arm Rest
Adjustability:- Height Adjustable – button adjustable
- Width Adjustable - handle adjustable
- Depth Adjustable – slide adjustable
- Arm pad width adjustable – slide adjustable
- The arm pads can be retracted so you can get closer to the desk
- The additional level of width adjustability is particularly helpful when the inside elbow width is significantly narrower than the hip width
- You can rotate the armrest to follow the direction of the forearm during typing
- The arm pads can move when you put weight on them
Key Measurements:
- Height range from seat pad 160-240mm
- Pad width: 100mm
- Pad length 240mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Rotating Arm Rest
- Height Adjustable – button adjustable
- Backward rotation function – button adjustable
- Allows you to completely move the armrest out of the way, which can be helpful for wheelchair users who need to make transfers between chairs
- No depth adjustability
- You cannot rotate the armrest to follow the direction of forearm for typing
Key Measurements:
- Height range from seat pad 180-230mm
- Pad width: 80mm
- Pad length 280mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Mobile Support Arm Rest
- Height Adjustable – button controlled
- Depth Adjustable – slide controlled
- Arm pad rotation adjustable – slide controlled
- Extra forearm control support for individuals with severe weakness in the upper limbs
- Weaker mounting mechanism means these supports don’t last as long as standard armrests
Key Measurements:
- Height range from seat pad 170-250mm
- Pad width: 45mm
- Pad length 150mm
Armrest Adaptations
Gel Pads
Description: Gel pads are designed to help reduce pressure on the forearms for users who have pressure sensitive issues in the upper limbs
Compatible with: 1234 Armrests
Key Measurements:
- Pad width: 100mm
- Pad length 280mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Upholstered Armpads
Description: It is possible to upholster armrests on the HAA, 1234, and 4D armrests. The upholstering won’t enhance the ergonomics of the armrest, so this option is purely available for aesthetic reasons.
Compatible with: HAA, 1234 and 4D armrests
Extra High/Low Armrest Height adjustability
Description: If the standard armrest height does not meet your needs, it is possible to increase or decrease the height by 50mm using a specialised bracket.
Compatible with: HAA, 1234, 3D, and 4D armrests
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Neck Rest Options
Neck curve
Description: The neck curve offers a combination of support to the base of the neck and skull. Because of its curved shape it can also offer additional rotational support. It is available in 3 sizes.
Key Measurements:
- Height: 80mm
- Width: 210mm
- Height: 80mm
- Width: 270mm
- Height: 80mm
- Width: 330mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Neck Roll:
Description: The neck roll is a rounded soft support designed to be positioned in the crook of the neck. The support is most popular when people want to be able to support some of the weight of the head through the cushion.
Key Measurements:
- Height: 110mm
- Width: 220mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Description: The headrest is a large diameter flat support designed to be positioned behind the back of the head. The rest is not really designed to support the head weight in an upright position, but does provide great positional feedback to the user to ensure that they position their headrest far enough back.
Key Measurements:
- Height: 180mm
- Width: 220mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
V- Rest:
Description: The V-Rest is essentially a hybrid of a neck roll and a headrest. The support is flat enough to be used as a headrest, which is great for giving users feedback on the position of their head. Equally, however, it can be rotated into a highly supportive neck rest that can take some of the weight of the head.
Key Measurements:
- Height: 170mm
- Width: 280mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Speak to an expert
fluto is owned and run by Chartered Physiotherapists and Clinical Scientists. Our unique combination of expertise in physiotherapy, rehabilitation posture and ergonomics, combined with extensive industry experience enables us to help you find the most suitable Ergochair products for your needs. We have never and still don’t employ salesman so you can be assured that you only ever speak to an adapt chair expert with a wealth of experience in Ergochair prescription. To contact us right now please click here
Gas Lifts
Description: There are a range of different gas lifts which will dictate the seat height. When deciding on the gas lift, it is very important to consider the desk height so that the user can be raised high enough to ensure a level working surface. If the user is shorter than average, this may mean that their feet come off the floor, so they may need a footrest to bridge the gap.
Description: Castors are not normally the first thing most people think about when selecting a chair, but it is well worth giving them some thought because they will directly influence how the chair will move around the environment.
- 65mm Hard Floor Castors: Most customers will select standard hard floor castors when using the chair on stone, concrete, and tiled areas
- 65mm Soft Floor Castors: These castors are best for slightly thicker carpets
- 65mm Friction Unloaded Castors: If you have concerns about the chair rolling away when it is unloaded, you can use castors which will apply a small break when there is no weight on the chair
- 65mm Friction Loaded Castors: If you are looking for there to be very little movement when sitting in the chair, the best option would be for friction loaded castors which will automatically brake when there is body weight on the chair
- 65mm Lockable Castors: For total stability you can get castors which are lockable
Foot Ring
Description: Sometimes people have to raise up the chair height to a higher than normal position, which can result in the feet being left dangling in the air. If the feet are left unsupported, more weight will be transferred through the top half of the thighs, which can become uncomfortable over time. A footring can be attached to the gas stem at a set height so that the user can still put their feet on a stable surface whilst working at a higher position.
Key Measurement: Diameter 500 mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Foot Ring with Half Footplate
Description: Some people working at a higher level can’t find a simple footring that is supportive enough for the whole foot. For these individuals, we recommend the footring with a half footplate which is also height adjustable.
Key Measurement:
- Depth: 250 mm
- Width: 500 mm
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Extended Footplate
Description: The extended footplate offers an extra-large solid base foot area and a height adjustment as standard.
Key Measurement:
- Depth: 400 mm
- Width: 500 mm (narrowing to 450 mm)
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Swivel lock:
Description: The swivel lock is a highly engineered braking system that can be combined with a gas lift to ensure the seat won’t rotate when the brake is applied. This is particularly useful if the user finds getting out of the freely moveable chair difficult. It is worth noting that whilst the chair seat will not swivel, this lock will not stop the castors from moving. For a mechanism that brakes the castors as well, you need to consider the M-lock instead.
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
Description: The M lock is a simple but highly engineered device that will hold your chair totally still when the lock is applied. The device works with a hand or battery pump that engages non slip feet for maximum positional stability. This function is most commonly used by wheelchair users who need to make a transfer between their office chair and a wheelchair.
Key Measurements: 695 mm (27”) footprint
What chairs are compatible with this adaptation? Adapt 200/500/600/700
There are several BRADBURY fabric options. To see the Bradbury samples please visit Bradbury colours
There are several CAMIRA fabric options. To see the CAMIRA samples please visit CAMIRA colours
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